Keep Your Money – How to Make PPOs Valuable to Your Practice

Thank you so much for joining us this evening. We’re excited to jump into this topic with PPO Advisors, and Shelley is here to dive into the insurance side. Shelley, can you start by introducing yourself and telling us about PPO Advisors? Thank you, Janina. I’m Shelley DeGroff, the founder and CEO of PPO Advisors. ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

IDS PPO is PPO Advisors 

Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors If you’ve been looking for the PPO management company Integrated Dental Solutions, IDS, IDS PPO, or IDS PPO Advisors, look no further. You’ve found us. Since 2020 we’ve been doing business as simply PPO Advisors. The change was a natural evolution. When the business first launched in 2013, IDS ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

Podcast: Insurance-Free: Is It for Me?

ACT Dental recently interviewed Shelley DeGroff, PPO Advisors Founder and CEO. She shares insight into how PPO contracts work and advice for strategically dropping your PPOs. Insurance-free is the way to be! Listen to the Podcast Summary: 1. How early should I start the PPO setup process for my dental practice? Initiating the PPO setup ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

Dental Practices Going Out-of-Network – the Difference Among Insurers

Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors More than ever, dental practices are exploring the idea of dropping all their insurance contracts and going 100% fee-for-service. Given the relentless effort by many insurers to lower reimbursements to providers, the appeal of totally eliminating insurance-pay from your practice is not surprising.  But going entirely fee-for-service isn’t easy ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

How Practice Owners Can Get Better Reimbursements from MetLife

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors The dental insurance landscape is constantly evolving. To keep up, practice owners need to be strategic about how they contract with insurers. There’s a tendency for dentists to adopt the “strategy” of simply trying to be in-network for everybody, but that’s neither feasible, nor financially sustainable. Instead, dentists ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

PPO Increases Pressure on Dental Providers to Lower Fee Schedule

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors If you’re feeling squeezed by your PPOs – you’re not imagining it and you’re not alone. Even as dental providers are struggling with the post-COVID labor shortage and high inflation rate, insurance companies are taking legally and ethically questionable actions in a bid to pressure providers into accepting lower ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

Insurance Free or Friendly – What’s the Best Strategy for Your Dental Practice?

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors A growing number of dental practice owners are asking if it’s worth it to join PPOs versus going insurance free. Given recent actions by insurers to pressure providers into lowering fee schedules, the question is understandable. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t going to be the same for everyone. While some ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Credentialing

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors To participate in various insurance networks, dental providers must be credentialed, a process that is cumbersome and requires copious paperwork, including proof of education, residency, training, work history, licenses and if applicable, specialty certificates and malpractice history. To stay in network, providers must repeat the process every 2-3 years, ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

Trust but Verify – Practice Owners Should Make Sure Promised Fee Schedule Increases are Real

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors In dealing with insurance companies, I believe in the trust-but-verify approach. I was reminded of this recently when we were onboarding some new clients. They shared with me similar stories about how, before coming to PPO Advisors, they’d worked with competitors who told them they’d negotiated higher fee schedules ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors

All About CDT Codes and How It Impacts Reimbursements

By Shelley DeGroff, Founder of PPO Advisors As a dental provider, the more you understand about how your practice generates revenue, the better. With that in mind, let’s take a short walk into the weeds by talking about Current Dental Terminology (CDT) code and how it can impact insurance reimbursements. Purpose of the CDT Code A ...

Filed Under: PPO Advisors